→Time Machine + Folks (TM+f) is a mission-driven branding, design and creative agency with a global perspective and passion for the locals. We build ever-evolving, timelessly relevant brands for influential companies and organisations through unconventional creativity that inspires positive change in the world and people’s lives.
→ bubble t-break
Coming Soon
Sweetness And Confidence For All
→ COP 26
Coming Soon
Highlighting The progressive Businesses
→ Post Fizz
Two Choices to
→ bubble t-break
Client Project
A Creativity
Playground for All
→ Bicester Collection
Client Project
Unlock Her Future for
Generations to Come
→ Royal Shakespeare Company
Client Project
Celebrate the Bard's
Legacy in Style
Client Project
Brewing a Deep
Thought Collectively
→ Edinburgh CNY
Client Project
The Harmony
Between Cultures
→ COP 26
Client Project
Highlighting the
Progressive Business
→ Harris Tweed Hebrides
Client Project
Globalise the
Islands' Heritage
→ Nairn's Oatcake
Client Project
A Fusion: Scotland and the Far East
→ Imagin
Easter White Rabbit
Gin Bottle Design

⚛︎ For the purpose of consuming less energy, we kept our ✦portfolio small✴︎

To learn more about our work and to begin your project, schedule a talk with us.

→ Post Fizz
Two Choices to
→ bubble t-break
Client Project
A Creativity
Playground for All
→ Bicester Collection
Client Project
Unlock Her Future for
Generations to Come
→ Royal Shakespeare Company
Client Project
Celebrate the Bard's
Legacy in Style
Client Project
Brewing a Deep
Thought Collectively
→ Edinburgh CNY
Client Project
The Harmony
Between Cultures
→ COP 26
Client Project
Highlighting the
Progressive Business
→ Harris Tweed Hebrides
Client Project
Globalise the
Islands' Heritage
→ Nairn's Oatcake
Client Project
A Fusion: Scotland and the Far East
→ Imagin
Easter White Rabbit
Gin Bottle Design

⚛︎ For the purpose of consuming less energy, we kept our ✦portfolio small✴︎

To learn more about our work and to begin your project, schedule a talk with us.

→ Post Fizz
Two Choices to
→ bubble t-break
Client Project
A Creativity
Playground for All
→ Bicester Collection
Client Project
Unlock Her Future for
Generations to Come
→ RTGS.global
Client Project
Design for the Global
Settlement Fabric
Client Project
Celebrate the Bard's
Legacy in Style
Client Project
Brewing a Deep
Thought Collectively
→ Edinburgh CNY
Client Project
The Harmony
Between Cultures
→ COP 26
Client Project
Highlighting the
Progressive Business
→ Harris Tweed Hebrides
Client Project
Globalise the
Islands' Heritage
→ Nairn's Oatcake
Client Project
A Fusion: Scotland
and the Far East
→ Imagin
Easter White Rabbit
Gin Bottle Design

⚛︎ For the purpose of consuming less energy, we kept our ✦portfolio small✴︎

To learn more about our work and to begin your project, schedule a talk with us.

✤ We focus on helping brands find balance for now and long-term performance, realising their truth, building one-of-a-kind culture and community, achieving sophisticated and purposeful storytelling through unconventional creativity, delivered by our expert research, strategy, design, and creative team.
Our Services

Empowering brands with the intelligence for ongoing evolution and growth.








Hire a Creative Team

→ We choose to go to the Moon in this decade, not because that will be easy, but because it will be hard – because that goal will serve to organise and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win. → We choose to go to the Moon in this decade, not because that will be easy, but because it will be hard – because that goal will serve to organise and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win.→ We choose to go to the Moon in this decade, not because that will be easy, but because it will be hard – because that goal will serve to organise and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win. → We choose to go to the Moon in this decade, not because that will be easy, but because it will be hard – because that goal will serve to organise and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win.

✤ In a world where goodness drives growth, we design responsibly and work with businesses across cultures and continents to build a greener, more equal, open, and culturally diverse future for all. Explore our design mission and what it means for your brand today.
Our Initiative
Bringing purpose and sustainability to brands.
Cultural Diversity
Wellness for All 




Mastering Brand Impact with Distinctive Storytelling Strategies

✦Storytelling is a powerful avenue for forging lasting emotional connections with customers past, present, and future. Commence with the most fundamental step - narrating your brand's unique journey.

✦Explore five noteworthy examples of brands that have harnessed storytelling to elevate their products and cultivates customer loyalty.
4 Strange but Good Ideas for Your Next Drink Package Design

The craft of package design goes beyond mere utility and visual appeal. It possesses the ability to transport consumers to faraway places, captivate their senses with engaging interactions, and spark discussions among loved ones.

✦Discover our innovative concepts today and elevate your next product's packaging to stand out like no other!
How Relevant Is Your Brand?
Find Out Now.

✦ Maintaining relevance is crucial for brands of all sizes as it keeps the heartbeat of the organisation and ensures business continuity.

✦ When your brand seamlessly aligns with your customers' values, needs, and the broader world's climate and culture, it becomes a trusted ally, inspiring loyalty and propelling growth. Are you ready to unlock this immense potential?
Nourish Success with Eastern Wellness: How Brands Can Embrace the Moment

✦ Discover the Growing Influence of Eastern Wellness Practices in Western Brands: Holistic well-being, real brand examples, and customer data showcase the rising appeal. Learn how to champion wellness-driven design for your brand.
What is the ROI of
building a mission-driven brand

✦ Mission-driven brands have become more and more prominent in recent years as businesses of all sizes strive to make a positive social impact and make the world a better place.

✦ What is a mission-driven brand, why you should become one and how you can do that? Check out our blog now.
Scottish Design Awards 2023: Product of Mind: Moonlight

✦ We are thrilled to announced that our design is shortlisted for the Scottish Design Awards 2023 package design drink category.

✦ Product of Mind is our initiative to create purpose-driven design in collaboration with local brands to bring the most urgent issues we face as a collective to light with care, gentleness and unconventional creativity.
6x Feel-Good
Magic for Brands

✦ Do you know that consumers in every market reported a substantial increase in the prioritisation of wellness over the past two to three years? (Mckinsey, 2021).

✦Introducing our brand analysis report giving you 6x magic to transform your brand for the better, responding to the significant growth of awareness of wellness among today's consumer market.
18:00-19:00 03/02/2022 → Online

How design help to improve team efficiency

Diversity and equality is one of the most important movement in modern society, Research shows a diverse company perform xx% better in the market and will attract more talents. We support companies to embrace diversity and equality in diverse aspects from operation, branding to marketing.
Coming Soon
18:00-19:00 03/02/2022
→ Online

How design help to improve team efficiency

Diversity and equality is one of the most important movement in modern society, Research shows a diverse company perform xx% better in the market and will attract more talents. We support companies to embrace diversity and equality in diverse aspects from operation, branding to marketing.
Coming Soon
18:00-19:00 03/02/2022 → Online

How design help to improve team efficiency

Diversity and equality is one of the most important movement in modern society, Research shows a diverse company perform xx% better in the market and will attract more talents. We support companies to embrace diversity and equality in diverse aspects from operation, branding to marketing.
Coming Soon
18:00-19:00 03/02/2022 → Online

How design help to improve team efficiency

Diversity and equality is one of the most important movement in modern society, Research shows a diverse company perform xx% better in the market and will attract more talents. We support companies to embrace diversity and equality in diverse aspects from operation, branding to marketing.
Coming Soon
Cultivate a purpose driven business community to deliver positive changes.

Good Time Station is an event that we established to put our mission of supporting business for good into action. It is a quarterly purpose-driven business meet-up that aims to foster a community where entrepreneurs, business founders, directors, and associates can connect, explore new ideas, and raise the conversation in order to collectively build a more sustainable, purposeful, and meaningful economy.

☞ Check out our next event.


❊ 18:30 - 20:30 ✴︎ Offline Event
→ CodeBase, 37a Castle Terrace,
Edinburgh EH1 2EL


❊ 18:30 - 20:30 ✴︎ Offline Event
→ Location to be confirmed,
Edinburgh EH1 2EL

Coming soon


❊ 18:30 - 20:30 ✴︎ Offline Event
→Location to be confirmed,
Edinburgh EH1 2EL

Coming soon