About Us:
What The Folks

We believe that companies can drive brand growth and positive social impact by fostering cultural harmony, providing common ground and equal value for customers of all ethnicities and identities.

✣ There is no Future without Culture ✣ There is no Future without Culture ✣ There is no Future without Culture

How it
All Starts

(The evolution of TM+f )
:Build to Initiate Growth and Change

Seven years ago we established RED UNIT, a design consultancy created to address the challenges of international branding for Western businesses. We brought premium design and strategy services influenced by top-notch practices from global agencies to small and medium-sized brands in the UK, offering extensive business communication and brand localisation support for the Eastern Market.

Fast forward seven years to 2023 - the world has been forever changed by the pandemic, and so have people and markets. This is a time where opportunities and conflicts coexist dramatically - where fluidity, agility, and flexibility have never been more valued and important for a brand's survival, revival, and growth.

And here we are, introducing Time Machine + Folks, a brand new venture. A design consultancy that grew out of the legacy of the intercultural endeavour between two markets, with a vision to create brands with a multicultural heart that are culturally iconic and globally impactful. Brands that will bring harmony to the world, create common ground, and drive social impact while achieving cross-market brand growth.

We see the rising interest in cross-cultural propositions in today's market and the increasingly strong cultural conflicts between continents. We see the business opportunities and the urgency to create harmony in our world as we move forward.

✹ Born to initiate Positive Change ✹ Born to initiate Positive Change ✹ Born to initiate Positive Change

From Canton
to Edinburgh with Passion

(Our Founder Thorranze Cheung's Note, 1/3)
:Design for a Bigger Dream

In 2010, I was protesting on the streets in China against the government's attempts to limit the use of the Cantonese language in public services, schools, and the media, as part of their push to unify communication among the provinces. This was a time when gentrification was rapidly increasing alongside political unification. The community, the original urban texture, and local culture was disappearing, replaced by skyscrapers and characterless architecture, along with the fading of memories of Cantonese language and culture among the younger generation.

During this period, my passion for culture was awakened, I was so passionate about exploring and reviving the old culture through modern design expression - so the future generation will be able to enjoy all that we had.

I drew inspiration from various design and business movements at the time, aimed at saving the culture by raising awareness among the society, bringing new life to the old. I collaborated with a group of friends to create a cultural design practice and produce prints and handcrafted products inspired by cantonese neighbourhoods and street culture and we sold them in the local creative market.

Meanwhile, alongside my job at the advertising agency, I began working as a freelance graphic designer for businesses as a way to raise funds for my cultural project, using the slogan 'Design for a Bigger Dream.' My aim was to attract clients who resonated with my message - their investment in me was also an investment in reviving our shared memories of the city, its traditions, and all that makes us who we are.

It was only recently that I realised that this may have been the very beginning of Time Machine + Folks.

(Our Founder Thorranze Cheung's Note, 2/3)
:Agency for Brighter Businesses and Society

Now, twelve years later, sitting in our studio in Edinburgh, a long way from the start of our journey, I can still feel that fire burning deep in my heart - the urge to work for this noble cause with design, to safeguard culture from politics, and to construct a culturally diverse world that celebrates genuine creativity informed by neurodiversity.

Over the past five years, we have strived to become pioneers in cross-cultural communication for brands and organisations. We initially began by working in the market between the UK and China, and now we aspire to extend beyond the established path. Our aim is to assist brands in navigating the dynamic world with multicultural respect and internationally informed intelligence, crafting brands that will flourish across markets, engage with a wide range of customers, and deliver equitable value to diverse groups of customers encompassing all ethnicities and identities.

This is not merely an idealistic notion; it represents the future of business, the next prospect for growth, which is validated by leading global businesses and is something no brand should underestimate. It is the multicultural market - one that is intricate and exhilarating, one that, if allowed to thrive, will not only benefit businesses but also herald a brighter tomorrow for all.

Time Machine + Folks was established to contribute to such a vision.

(Our Founder Thorranze Cheung's Note, 2/3)
:Be Like Water.

For many years, I have been deeply inspired by the Water Theory written by Lao Tsu in the Tao Te Ching. The quality of water, the inner harmony within conflict, and the wholesome goodness of its existence have served as sources of inspiration for thousands of successful businesses and entrepreneurs in both the East and the West.

At Time Machine + Folks, we wholeheartedly embrace the Water Theory. We think big, yet we immerse ourselves in the smallest details of our work. Our goal is to create a beautiful harmony among cultures and facilitate meaningful connections between people.

We highly value fluidity and agility, actively seeking to understand diverse points of view, and working towards creating a common ground where everyone can heal, learn, develop, and thrive.

We firmly believe that the best solutions can be gentle yet powerful, business-oriented yet regenerative, striking and impactful yet considerate. Our guiding principle is to be like water—thinking, creating, inspiring, and loving like water.

✺ The Highest Goodness Resembles Water ✺ The Highest Goodness Resembles Water ✺ The Highest Goodness Resembles Water

How We Do It

(Our Approach & Process)
How We Do Our Magic

We design for businesses of all sizes and take pride in it. There is no 'too small' for us; we believe in problem-solving and growing greatness from the smallest of beginnings.

:Consultancy-Driven Creative Production

First and foremost, we offer consultancy, creative design, and production services tailored to various business needs. Whether you want to launch a brand, promote a product, or drive innovation within your company, our powerful storytelling and design capabilities will provide you with all you need to stand out and grow your business.

For any of our bespoke design and consultancy-driven creative projects, our process involves research, creative workshops, strategy development, and delivery. This process ensures that we are on the same page and gain enough insight to create work that works for you, your business, and your customers/market.

In some cases, we may adopt a mix-and-match approach, selecting specific activities before the design/delivery phase. However, for new clients, we typically follow the complete process to ensure that we deliver work that achieves the results you desire.

These approaches apply to all types of projects, from digital to print, from branding to packaging, from large to small.

Our Astronauts

We are proud to be a team built with diversity in mind and we continue to strive for greater diversity and inclusivity. Neurodiversity is our lifeblood, permeating every aspect of our business. We believe it is at the core of driving innovation and serves as the ultimate guarantee that we deliver outstanding work for all of our clients.

(Thorranze Cheung)
Founder/Creative Director


Thorranze is fearless when it comes to design and creativity. He pushes every little inch from concept to delivery to give a unique edge that is informed by human insight and common sense, giving brands the power to stand out and a softness to connect.

With over 10 years of experiences in the industry, having worked at international agencies like McCann and Denstu and been involved in both public and private sectors big and small, Thorranze will give your brand a vision and mission to be truly unique.

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(Sara Zanigni)
Senior Designer


Combining experience in graphic design, architecture and illustration in the UK, Spain and her homeland of Northern Italy, Sara approaches creative work with a rational and emotive balance, presenting a vibrant, modern and bold style imprinted with sensitivity. In her personal practice, she enjoys exploring human emotion like nostalgia through the form of illustration.

She has experience working with large clients like Belmond Hotels and The Balmoral Hotel, but also with small charities like The Joshua Nolan Foundation.

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(Manny Masson)
Business Development Partner


Manny is a friendly, sociable, and creative individual. As the business development partner in our team, he is the go-to person if you're keen to explore how our team can support you in growing your brands and getting your designs done. With his unique combination of creativity and his natural connection with people, he can assist you to explore diverse solutions addressing your challenges.

Outside of work, Manny is a music enthusiast and photographer, passionate about film and portrait photography.

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Creatives/Strategic Associates

(Planet Earth)

We have a powerful pool of talents we can access to find solutions for all the needs and challenges for our clients in all areas of creativity, branding and marketing.

While our in-house core team focuses a lot more on creative work, art direction and graphic design, our associates bring the capability of 3D and Motion Design, Filming and Photography, Performance marketing and Paid Media to our offer, supporting us to bring our creative vision to life.

‣Register to be our folks


(Award & Community Feature)

We are proud to be nominated in the Drinks Package Design category at the Scottish Design Awards 2023,  with our iconic design 'Products of Mind: Moonlight' for our partner HOLOS Kombucha.

Recently we were also delighted to see our work featured by The World Brand Design Society alongside many other outstanding pieces of work from around the world.

Award winning is never our ultimate intention, but we see it as an opportunity to send our message far and wide - creating a positive impact all over the world with our design. If you are interested in knowing more about our Moonlight design, you can check out the case study page.

6x Feel-Good
Magic for Brands

✦ Do you know that consumers in every market reported a substantial increase in the prioritisation of wellness over the past two to three years? (Mckinsey, 2021).

✦Introducing our brand analysis report giving you 6x magic to transform your brand for the better, responding to the significant growth of awareness of wellness among today's consumer market.
18:00-19:00 03/02/2022 → Online

How design help to improve team efficiency

Diversity and equality is one of the most important movement in modern society, Research shows a diverse company perform xx% better in the market and will attract more talents. We support companies to embrace diversity and equality in diverse aspects from operation, branding to marketing.
Coming Soon
18:00-19:00 03/02/2022
→ Online

How design help to improve team efficiency

Diversity and equality is one of the most important movement in modern society, Research shows a diverse company perform xx% better in the market and will attract more talents. We support companies to embrace diversity and equality in diverse aspects from operation, branding to marketing.
Coming Soon
18:00-19:00 03/02/2022 → Online

How design help to improve team efficiency

Diversity and equality is one of the most important movement in modern society, Research shows a diverse company perform xx% better in the market and will attract more talents. We support companies to embrace diversity and equality in diverse aspects from operation, branding to marketing.
Coming Soon
18:00-19:00 03/02/2022 → Online

How design help to improve team efficiency

Diversity and equality is one of the most important movement in modern society, Research shows a diverse company perform xx% better in the market and will attract more talents. We support companies to embrace diversity and equality in diverse aspects from operation, branding to marketing.
Coming Soon
Cultivate a purpose driven business community to deliver positive changes.

Good Time Station is an event that we established to put our mission of supporting business for good into action. It is a quarterly purpose-driven business meet-up that aims to foster a community where entrepreneurs, business founders, directors, and associates can connect, explore new ideas, and raise the conversation in order to collectively build a more sustainable, purposeful, and meaningful economy.

☞ Check out our next event.


❊ 18:30 - 20:30 ✴︎ Offline Event
→ CodeBase, 37a Castle Terrace,
Edinburgh EH1 2EL


❊ 18:30 - 20:30 ✴︎ Offline Event
→ Location to be confirmed,
Edinburgh EH1 2EL

Coming soon


❊ 18:30 - 20:30 ✴︎ Offline Event
→Location to be confirmed,
Edinburgh EH1 2EL

Coming soon